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Khe Sanh 2

Khe Sanh 2 is a primary school located in the Town of Khe Sanh on the outskirts of Quang Tri city.  It consists of 14 classes, 482 students and 27 teachers. In the school, there are students from low-income households. Out of these students, some additionally suffer from a chronic illness, placing even more financial pressures and discouragement towards continuing school. Therefore, we wanted to help these students to the best of our abilities by providing them with school supplies to cover some financial expenses whilst also donating reading books to foster their joy in learning.

The Project



We truly thank you for your support!

We would like to thank our generous donors for helping us make this project a reality.  The education and future of many students of Khe Sanh 2 Elementary School have been touched by your kindness.  We are inspired by your support and we hope to continue working towards our vision with you.  

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